How to Lose Weight

There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast. However, most of them will make you hungry and unsatisfied.

-Cut Back on Sugars
The most important part is to cut back on sugars
-Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables
Each one of your meals should include a protein source, a fat source and low-carb vegetables
- Lift Weights 3 Times Per Week
You don't need to exercise to lose weight on this plan, but it is recommended.
The best option is to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Do a warm up, lift weights, then stretch.
If you're new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advic.
Losing weight is hard. Losing weight and then keeping it off is even harder. Case in point: 74% of adults in the United States are overweight or obese, and weight loss is a $20 billion industry. All that said, if you're trying to slim down, there's no reason to lose hope. Plenty of studies show that lasting weight loss is not a myth
Eat a big breakfast
Yeah, yeah—you've heard a million times that you must start your day with a balanced breakfast. This advice bears repeating, however. An Imperial College London study found that when people skipped breakfast, the reward centers in their brains lit up when they were shown pictures of high-calorie foods. That means if you skip breakfast, you'll be more tempted by bad-for-you snacks later in the day. What's more, a 2013 study found that women who enjoyed a large morning meal had a larger drop in ghrelin, the hunger hormone, than those who ate a small breakfast.
Eat 30 grams of fiber a day
Try upping your fiber intake—it may work just as well as following a strict diet.Sodas and juices are essentially liquid candy: They contain up to 18 teaspoons of sugar and upwards of 240 calories per 20-ounce serving, and provide zero nutritional value. Experts point to soda as one of the top contributors to the obesity epidemic. Diet drinkers aren't off the hook, either. A study in the journal Obesity found that diet soda drinkers were more likely to have a high percentage of fat in their bellies. Researchers believe diet drinkers may overestimate the calories "saved," and then overeat.
Drink black coffee
Your morning java jolt doesn't just wake you up. Having a cup of coffee may also jumpstart your metabolism by 12% for 3 hoursStock up on canned tuna
This pantry staple is a dieter's dream food. A 3-ounce serving racks up an impressive 25 grams of satiating protein for just 157 calories. Use it to beef up salads or pasta dishes, or pair it with a few crackers for a healthy snack that will keep you full until your next meal.Pair protein and fruit
Apples, bananas, strawberries—they're all good for your body and your waistline. But to take this snack from good to great, pair it with a bit of protein to make it more satisfying. An apple and cup of skim milk is one easy option that provides 10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber for 200 calories.
Stop relying on processed food
Making meals from scratch is time-consuming, sure, but relying on frozen dinners and other packaged products won't help you out in the long run. One recent study found that we burn 50% more calories metabolizing whole foods than processed foods.Spice up your meals
Capsaicin, the compound in chili peppers that makes them hot, may speed up your metabolism


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